Ecosystem restoration

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What we do

In line with the Sustainable Development goals especially Goals 6 and 13 and in support of other national, regional and international multi-lateral environment and biodiversity conventions and agreements such as the UNFCCC’s Paris Agreement, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Ramsar convention, AFICAAJ is focused on playing a critical part towards hands on ecosystem restoration amongst the local communities where we work especially in catchments, river banks, lake shores, wetlands, peatlands and forests to ensure that their integrity is maintained. This will enable them effectively play their climate regulation roles through greenhouse gas mitigations and support livelihoods of communities.

Under ecosystem restoration, local communities especially the vulnerable groups at the forefront such as women, children, youth and girls are sensitized on the importance of healthy ecosystems, capacity building on hands on restoration, local community exchange visits and supported towards carbon trading.